Monday, October 21, 2013

Horseback riding not a sport...

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say horseback riding isn't a sport. I'm sure that all equestrians would agree with me. When people say that to me I go on a rant and it can get ugly. I will explain some reasons why horseback riding is a sport. Horseback riding requires all the muscles in your body. We use our legs to post out of the saddle (its when you stand up and sit down in beat of the horse's legs while trotting). We use our arms to control the horse and use our backs to 2 point over the jumps. We stretch before we ride just like football players or baseball players. Just like any other sport, we have to train. We train for competitions. Football players play games, we compete. Like a lot of sports, we have to wear a helmet. If we fall off, our heads could be crushed by the horses hooves or get hit by the ground. Falling off is the most dangerous part of horseback riding. You could get caught in the stirrups and get dragged, hit the jump, or get trampled by a 1,000 pound animal. Equestrians jump over 5 feet in the Olympics and in training. Try doing that on an animal with its own mind going almost 20 mph controlled by just your legs, a piece of metal and some leather. Imagine falling out of a car going 20 mph and getting your leg or arm run over by a wheel of another car. It would hurt wouldn't it. That would be like if you fall off and the horse tramples you. Lastly, if it wasn't a sport, why would it be in the Olympics? The opinions of others on this subject are sometimes puzzling. Please tell me your honest opinions and why you think your opinion is correct. Also, please look at the pics I have provided.

Photo Credits 1


  1. This Is so cool! Horseback riding is definitely a sport.

  2. People must realize the amount of money the equine industry brings in. They don't seem to give it the proper respect that it deserves. I live in Missouri, and I have researched some statistics for my animal science class ,y facts are based off of 2005 statistics. The horse industry alone has a direct economic effect on the U.S. of $39 billion dollars higher than that of the movie industry. Missouri makes $2.1 million off of quarter horse shows alone. People have to pay for motels, fuel, and meals while traveling to these shows increasing revenue in your state. I'd have to say it is definitely a sport especially due to the revenue it brings in. I'm sure the numbers have only increased.

  3. I once rode a horse and I was terrified and excited at the same time!

  4. I think equestrian activities are definitely s sport. I think most people assume that we ride for fun, and not for a living.
