Monday, October 28, 2013

Buying a new horse

Choosing the right horse to buy can be hard. It takes a lot of time and effort. When you look for a horse, make sure to visit the place before you actually buy it. Make sure that the place is tidy and not a complete mess. The horses should be living in a fairly clean environment. The horses should be in good condition and looking healthy. Before you buy it you should take it to the vet so they can check the horse out and make sure it's a happy and healthy horse and give it the shots and medicine it needs. The vet check ups are usually around $500. Know what you are going to use the horse for. Are you going to have it for fun? Or jumping? Showing? Make sure the horse is able to do what you want it to do or you can train it. If you want to be able to ride it, set up a test ride to see if you like the horse and if the horse has good manners. Also have some back up plans just in case the horse doesn't work out and make sure you have a plan for where to keep the horse. Remember, finding the right horse can be very easy or very difficult. Some people look for the right horse for years. I was very lucky when I found my horse. He visited my barn and I bought him within a few weeks that he was there.

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