Thursday, January 9, 2014

If I Could Change...

If I could change anything in the world, I would change society. Society has this idea of perfect. If you don't meet the standards, it makes sure that you feel like you don't belong. People need to understand that no one is perfect and no one meets those impossible standards. We have to say and do the right things or we will be judged. We have to be spontaneous and bold. We can't be shy or quiet. And our looks have to be stunning. The problem is, everyone has flaws but most people forget. Most people get bullied for those flaws everyday but everyone has been teased about something in their life. Those bullies make people feel worthless. Those words are the reason that some teens are broken inside. Some people are pushed to a breaking point where they become depressed, self harm, and even commit suicide. They feel like self harm or suicide is the only way out because their vision is blurred by the hate. I don't understand why someone would tease an innocent person for flaws when they too, have many. One flaw in every bully is that they are hurting another human being for whatever reason. People get made fun of if they self harm. It is assumed it's being done for attention. Self harm is a serious matter that is motivated by major problems in one's life. Society is one of those issues. In my opinion, society is the worst for teenagers. As a teen girl, society says you have to have to be skinny, pretty, and have the perfect personality. If you're different, you're considered weird. Everyone is unique and people need to realize it and stop judging others for being themselves. Society tries to change us in ways we shouldn't be changed. If someone really wants to be skinny, they might stop eating to try to be the "perfect" weight. They might self harm because they think they are fat, when in reality, they are not. Society likes to make girls feel like they are fat just because they don't have a thigh gap or a flat stomach, which is wrong. Most girls don't even have a thigh gap. Someone's weight does not define their worth. Teenagers around my age should not be focused on their weight. They should be focused on other things like school, friends and family. Everyone is beautiful no matter what the number is on the scale. We shouldn't want to change ourselves for the approval of others. God made us unique exactly the way that He wanted. We are all perfect in His eyes. He loves us even with our flaws because he knows that everyone has them and despite them all, we are perfect. If society didn't exist everyone would be much happier with themselves. We would accept ourselves and others for who they are and we wouldn't judge others. People are meant to build each other up, not tear each other down. If I could change society to be a loving, accepting one, I would.