Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Runaway Teen

This post doesn't have anything to do with my theme of horses, but I thought I would share this. I heard about this 16 year old guy who was running away from his family, and climbed up into the wheels of an airplane. He hopped a fence somewhere and got inside the plane. The plane went from California to Hawaii, which is a 5 and 1/2 hour flight. Medial officials say that there is no way he should be alive. He was unconscious for most of the flight, but at the altitude they were at, he would've had little to no oxygen, and temperatures reach as low as -65° F. When they landed in Hawaii, he got out and started wandering around on the runways. Below is the link where I got all of the information, and the full story. There is also a picture on the website.
News Article

Friday, March 28, 2014

20% Time Project

We have been making a lot of progress in our 20% time project. Me and my friend Megan are making pet bandanas to sell to raise money for Operation Kindness, a no kill shelter. We have started making the bandanas and we started decorating them. After we make them, we are going to start selling them and hopefully, raise some money.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

20% Time Project

For our 20% time project we are helping support Operation Kindness. Operation Kindness is a no kill shelter. We are going to try to raise some money to donate so they can purchase things to take care of the animals. We are also going to make blankets. We still need to purchase the cloth to make them. We are going to give them the blankets so the animals are comfortable in their cages.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

If I Could Change...

If I could change anything in the world, I would change society. Society has this idea of perfect. If you don't meet the standards, it makes sure that you feel like you don't belong. People need to understand that no one is perfect and no one meets those impossible standards. We have to say and do the right things or we will be judged. We have to be spontaneous and bold. We can't be shy or quiet. And our looks have to be stunning. The problem is, everyone has flaws but most people forget. Most people get bullied for those flaws everyday but everyone has been teased about something in their life. Those bullies make people feel worthless. Those words are the reason that some teens are broken inside. Some people are pushed to a breaking point where they become depressed, self harm, and even commit suicide. They feel like self harm or suicide is the only way out because their vision is blurred by the hate. I don't understand why someone would tease an innocent person for flaws when they too, have many. One flaw in every bully is that they are hurting another human being for whatever reason. People get made fun of if they self harm. It is assumed it's being done for attention. Self harm is a serious matter that is motivated by major problems in one's life. Society is one of those issues. In my opinion, society is the worst for teenagers. As a teen girl, society says you have to have to be skinny, pretty, and have the perfect personality. If you're different, you're considered weird. Everyone is unique and people need to realize it and stop judging others for being themselves. Society tries to change us in ways we shouldn't be changed. If someone really wants to be skinny, they might stop eating to try to be the "perfect" weight. They might self harm because they think they are fat, when in reality, they are not. Society likes to make girls feel like they are fat just because they don't have a thigh gap or a flat stomach, which is wrong. Most girls don't even have a thigh gap. Someone's weight does not define their worth. Teenagers around my age should not be focused on their weight. They should be focused on other things like school, friends and family. Everyone is beautiful no matter what the number is on the scale. We shouldn't want to change ourselves for the approval of others. God made us unique exactly the way that He wanted. We are all perfect in His eyes. He loves us even with our flaws because he knows that everyone has them and despite them all, we are perfect. If society didn't exist everyone would be much happier with themselves. We would accept ourselves and others for who they are and we wouldn't judge others. People are meant to build each other up, not tear each other down. If I could change society to be a loving, accepting one, I would.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Horse Show Days

One of the most important things for a show is to stay organized. Especially if you're going to a show at a different barn. Make sure everything is labeled so you don't lose it. If you are worried someone will steal something, put it somewhere with a lock so no one can steal it. Bathe the horse at least 1 day before the show. If you bathe them the day of the show, their natural oils in their skin won't be able to come back to make them shiny. Get their body, muzzle, bridle path, mane, and fetlocks clipped so they look nice and neat. On show day, or the day before, braid their mane and tail. If you braid them the day before the show, put a sleeve on it so it doesn't get destroyed if they rub on them. In some shows, you won't have to braid. On the day of the show, brush them so they are really clean. Spray some showsheen if you like to make them extra shiny. Don't spray any on the saddle area or your saddle will slip. Make sure to paint their hooves as well. Before you show, make sure your tack is all clean. It's a good idea to clean and oil it the day before the show. Store them in a place where they won't get too dirty. If they do use something to clean them off like Lexol saddle cleaner/conditioner wipes. It cleans off the dirt and conditions at the same time. The clothes you wear will depend on what type of show you do. For hunters/dressage you have to be more fancy and for jumpers you can be less fancy. Ask your trainer or a tack shop and they will help you with clothes. You have to wear your helmet with all your hair inside so get a hairnet. It will keep your hair from going everywhere in the helmet and it will be easier to get your hair in the helmet. If you are going to a show at a different barn, you need a lot more things. There are checklists online (like the one below) to help you remember all the things you need to bring. It would be a good idea to have a tack trunk or some kind of box to put your things in to stay organized. You can put locks on them so your stuff stays safe. It is always a good idea to bring money/checks to shows just in case.
Photo Creds

Monday, October 28, 2013

Buying a new horse

Choosing the right horse to buy can be hard. It takes a lot of time and effort. When you look for a horse, make sure to visit the place before you actually buy it. Make sure that the place is tidy and not a complete mess. The horses should be living in a fairly clean environment. The horses should be in good condition and looking healthy. Before you buy it you should take it to the vet so they can check the horse out and make sure it's a happy and healthy horse and give it the shots and medicine it needs. The vet check ups are usually around $500. Know what you are going to use the horse for. Are you going to have it for fun? Or jumping? Showing? Make sure the horse is able to do what you want it to do or you can train it. If you want to be able to ride it, set up a test ride to see if you like the horse and if the horse has good manners. Also have some back up plans just in case the horse doesn't work out and make sure you have a plan for where to keep the horse. Remember, finding the right horse can be very easy or very difficult. Some people look for the right horse for years. I was very lucky when I found my horse. He visited my barn and I bought him within a few weeks that he was there.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Horseback riding not a sport...

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say horseback riding isn't a sport. I'm sure that all equestrians would agree with me. When people say that to me I go on a rant and it can get ugly. I will explain some reasons why horseback riding is a sport. Horseback riding requires all the muscles in your body. We use our legs to post out of the saddle (its when you stand up and sit down in beat of the horse's legs while trotting). We use our arms to control the horse and use our backs to 2 point over the jumps. We stretch before we ride just like football players or baseball players. Just like any other sport, we have to train. We train for competitions. Football players play games, we compete. Like a lot of sports, we have to wear a helmet. If we fall off, our heads could be crushed by the horses hooves or get hit by the ground. Falling off is the most dangerous part of horseback riding. You could get caught in the stirrups and get dragged, hit the jump, or get trampled by a 1,000 pound animal. Equestrians jump over 5 feet in the Olympics and in training. Try doing that on an animal with its own mind going almost 20 mph controlled by just your legs, a piece of metal and some leather. Imagine falling out of a car going 20 mph and getting your leg or arm run over by a wheel of another car. It would hurt wouldn't it. That would be like if you fall off and the horse tramples you. Lastly, if it wasn't a sport, why would it be in the Olympics? The opinions of others on this subject are sometimes puzzling. Please tell me your honest opinions and why you think your opinion is correct. Also, please look at the pics I have provided.

Photo Credits 1